Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Happy Late Valentine's Day :)
I hope everyone's day was filled with love and that they're still feeling it now that V-day is over. :)
I woke up yesterday morning to find flowers next to my bed. Well actually more of a bush with flowers. haha. My boyfriend sent them to me and said they would last longer than regular old flowers. awwww. I showed my dad them later on that day and he got freaked out because he forgot to get my mom flowers. He then proceeded to call her and ask if she wanted flowers. Ai yai yaiiiiiii! MEN! So I tell my mom over the phone about my flowers after grabbing the phone away from my dad (in an attempt to stop him while he was ahead haha) and he yells in the background, "I'll buy them off of you half price!" hahahaha. Silly guy. Its obviously not the flowers, or the gifts, or chocolates that keep a marriage like theirs for 30 years. ;)